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Clearing it all up


You’re probably wondering what exactly needs clearing up? Well let’s be real, there are plenty of things everyday we need cleared up. I could name a million scenarios in which people need some type of information ‘cleared up’ and in most of those cases, they use the internet as a way to do that. My name is Kaelan Kreger and I chose to take a new media journalism class this semester at Slippery Rock University to be able to navigate this new landscape that is online journalism. I think it’s safe to say that the majority of us get our news online. The transition of our news from primarily paper to the internet was in my opinion, too quick for comfort. Even for someone like me whose life has mostly been filled with technology, it’s still hard to manage keeping up with the changing forms of media online. Adapting to these new forms of media will be essential for someone within my career path to do. As a communications major with a focus in public relations, I will be interacting with online journalists as well as creating my own content to satisfy the requirements within my profession regularly, so this is an awesome opportunity to develop those skills. If you didn’t get it already, I want to clear things up for y’all. I want to make ‘Klear Konnections’ for all my readers and focus my priority on making myself as clear as possible by sticking to facts of which I’ve thoroughly researched.

One thing I really want to make myself clear about is my plans to leave my hometown of Pittsburgh to head down south once I begin my career within public relations. I’ll be honest, it really can be chalked up to the fact that I can’t take the ridiculous nature of the weather around here anymore. Every morning when I clear up with google how the weather is going to be for the day, I’m disappointed. I have a good feeling a place like Florida or South Carolina would fix that up. I’ll always be a Pittsburgh sports fan and reserve the right to claim heritage from the city of champions. Plan on bringing that spirit with me wherever my journey takes me. 

If you want to learn more about me you are more than welcome to go check out my social media accounts. If this wasn’t enough of a first impression, you’ll have more to work with through those avenues. My Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are linked here! I check my social media regularly for news updates, however I don’t post my own content very often. I do re-post things, so you will be able to get an idea of what my interests are. I like to keep it local and get most of my news from KDKA as they have important information about local news and I see them as trustworthy. If you strictly want your news in online form, a great outlet is Elite Daily. Much more geared towards the college student such as myself, you’ll find all the information on new fads and trending topics you can ask for. If you really need something cleared up, you know where to go. I hope to bring you all the clearest of information in blogs to come!

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